We value the satisfaction and continuous development of our colleagues - within a healthy and safe working environment. Together, we work very hard to make this possible.


Employee well-being in both our stores and head office is our top priority. Together, we work towards a more sustainable future and a healthy company. WE Fashion staff are given the opportunity to grow and develop themselves within the organisation. To make this possible, the so-called WE® Academy was established in 2015, which is an initiative that organises training and courses.



WE Fashion wants to operate in the right way: with integrity, responsibility and high ethical standards. Our focus is, therefore, on the interests of consumers, suppliers and employees.

This vision of entrepreneurship includes standards and values, which are summarised in the WE® Code of Ethics. This is a guideline for the behavioural standards between WE Fashion and suppliers, employees and consumers. The management of WE Fashion endorses the frames of reference as contained within it.

You can find the document here.



We believe that employee satisfaction, engagement and motivation are very important for the performance of our staff. Therefore, the HR department regularly conducts employee surveys. This way, their true state of mind is measured and we encourage them to provide feedback. By doing so, we become a little bit better together.

By knowing what motivates our employees, we can continue to respond to their needs and adjust our procedures accordingly - where necessary. We also pay attention to the well-being of our employees throughout the organisation. We prevent absenteeism and support vitality by encouraging managers to actively engage with colleagues, follow up on their requests and act upon them (jointly).

We also take a critical look at ourselves as an employer and the creation of a healthy and safe environment for our staff. We do this through workplace surveys, conducting and evaluating a risk assessment and listening to employees' motivations. Additionally, we encourage a healthy lifestyle by offering healthy lunches in our WE® café and a variety of sports activities, such as boot camp and yoga.

At WE Fashion, we believe in 'Better Together'. In other words: working together makes you stronger and leads to the best results. To (continue to) motivate our employees and reward them for their efforts, we, as an organisation, like to plan moments of relaxation. We also organise (informative) training courses and meetings to get to know each other better.


We offer the possibility of a cycling programme. The purpose of this arrangement is to encourage bicycle use for commuting and, as part of "The new way of working", which involves hybrid (home and office) working, to facilitate working from home. In addition, it's better for the environment and fits in with our Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) objectives regarding responsible transport.


Each year, at the start of summer and winter season, we throw a big party. We organise a sunny barbecue in the summer months, and close the year with a cosy Christmas party. Of course, there is still plenty of room - besides these two moments - for other fun things. Every month, for instance, a cocktail party takes place, organised by our own WE® employees.

In addition, our departments regularly put on so-called Lunch & Learns. These are inspiring and informative sessions during the lunch break. Finally, there are the Kick-off days. These are held twice a year and revolve entirely around showing new collections to Store Managers.


We believe it's important that our employees can free up time for what matters to them. This is why we introduced the 'Moments that matter day' in 2023. On this day, one can take time off for days with personal or special value, such as a wedding, commemoration or voluntary work.

Alongside this, there is the possibility of a Workcation. This involves: 50% work and 50% holiday. We also offer space for a Sabbatical. This leave request amounts to a minimum of 8 and a maximum of 16 weeks, during which 25% of salary is paid.

As we like to keep our employees up to date with the latest developments, we use a WE® Connect app. This self-designed platform keeps in touch with all WE® colleagues, so they can read and share news here, as well as find any important links.